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In life, two things may look alike, have similar features or traits and yet different from each other.

To start with, identical twins are superficially similar , produce similar voice, share same parents and relate almost the same way, right? But does that mean they are genetically the same? No. There are no two individuals who are genetically the same.
Similarly, a make up artist and a Primary 1 pupil holding a pencil are similar at sight, right?  But does that mean they have the same motive? No. One motive is to draw eye brow while the other is to write or paint on paper.

The same way is SURGERY and MURDER scenes. At the sight of blood gushing from the surgery table, if one is devoid of the motive behind the surgeon's act,  it's very easy to misinterpret the intention to that of the murderer. Why? Blood flows from both tables, knife is used to cut the victim skin and LIFE is at stake in both scenes. But despite the similarities, does it mean that a surgeon performing surgery and a murderer committing murder have the same motive? Did you just say YES to that question? Ahhh!!! It shocked me!!. Anyway, The answer is a Capital No. The surgeon motive is to SAVE LIFE while that of the murderer is to TAKE LIFE.

So dear esteemed readers, whenever you see someone perform something that appears bad or unpalatable at sight, before you jump to hasty conclusion, do well to ask about the motive behind it if you don't know. Why? It will save you from error of OMISSION. Error of omission is one of  the most dangerous error anyone can make in life aside error of COMMISSION and INTERPRETATION.
Thank you for making it here. Do you have a question or clarification? Hit me up via the comment section.  I'll catch you later same place and day next week Friday.

I'm your humble host


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