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Do you want to deliver quality images for monetization, adventures or even constest purposes? If yes!! This is just for you because the understanding and application of ISO rating is a path to taken  better photograph. So, if your motive is to obtain bright, clear and noiseless shot or less grain images. Then, the understanding and application of exposure elements (Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO) is necessary. But in this article, the focus will revolve around one of the three exposure elements I.e ISO.   ISO rating (200) Now let's get down to business.  1. What is ISO rating? 2. Principle and application of ISO or How it works 3. The Balance of ISO among other two elements. ISO RATING Put simply, ISO is an acronym which stands for International standard Organization. This organization  introduced the common numbers on digital cameras and even now it is included on mobile phone's camera. So, ratings are the value of the  ISO that is selected by a camera operato...


To an advance persons in the field of photography, Aperture is a common relatable and applicable term and one of the three components of the so-called, Exposure triangle aside ISO and Shutter Speed. But to starters, it's still a vague idea that's more of a theory that practical. In this article, I will be shedding light on it's role in a digital camera and showing you examples Of what I have personally achieved using it.  Exposure Triangle Just like the Iris in human eyes, aperture basically is the size(big or small) of physical opening or hole in the camera lens that allows light into the sensor. It's one of the three elements of the exposure triangle as given in the picture above. This idea should be put in mind so that it's application can come easily. The aperture(small or big opening) is measured in numbers represented by F/2.8, F/4, F/8.........F/16 depending on the camera. The higher the 'F' number the lower the aperture size  and the lower the light ...


Have you ever heard someone mention "depth of field" before now and don't really understand what it entails? Then You're in the right place.  I'll be shedding light on it so that you'll understand and also know how to apply it in your day to day photography. Simply put, Depth of field (DOF) is considered to be a range of distance in front of a camera that's acceptably sharp. If you check the picture below, you'll notice that the middle portion is acceptably sharp while the extreme sides are unclear or blurry. The distance of the sharp portion of the image or the distance btw the two blurred portion of the image is however called depth of field.   Factors affecting depth of field A number of factors determines the range in terms of "deepness or shallowness" of depth of field. But below are the three major factors that determine image depth of field. 1. Type of lens 2. Object distance 3. Aperture . Image showing DOF Lens type : Some lenses prov...


In life, two things may look alike, have similar features or traits and yet different from each other. To start with, identical twins are superficially similar , produce similar voice, share same parents and relate almost the same way, right? But does that mean they are genetically the same? No. There are no two individuals who are genetically the same. Similarly, a make up artist and a Primary 1 pupil holding a pencil are similar at sight, right?  But does that mean they have the same motive? No. One motive is to draw eye brow while the other is to write or paint on paper. The same way is SURGERY and MURDER scenes. At the sight of blood gushing from the surgery table, if one is devoid of the motive behind the surgeon's act,  it's very easy to misinterpret the intention to that of the murderer. Why? Blood flows from both tables, knife is used to cut the victim skin and LIFE is at stake in both scenes. But despite the similarities, does it mean that a surgeon performing ...